Published 15 hours ago
As millions of Americans are waiting anxiously to receive the coronavirus vaccine, Meghan McCain is upset that her privilege hasn’t allowed her to jump the line.
While discussing the COVID-19 death toll hitting the tragic 500,000 deaths benchmark on the Feb. 22 episode of The View, McCain complained about the Centers For Disease Control’s response, saying that the organization’s head Dr. Anthony Fauci should be replaced by someone who “does understand science.”
“Next week it will be a year since we left the studio and I have been very responsible in many different ways as so many Americans have been and the fact that Dr. Fauci is going on CNN and he can’t tell me that if I get the vaccine, if I’ll be able to have dinner with my family,” she complained, after sharing a clip of Dr. Fauci on CNN telling the host that he wasn’t prepared to give official guidance on when vaccinated grandparents would be able to travel and visit their grandchildren.
She went on to say, “The fact that I, Meghan McCain, co-host of The View, don’t know when or how I will be able to get a vaccine because the rollout for my age range and my health is so nebulous, I have no idea when and how I get it. I want to get it. If you call me at three o’clock in the morning, I will go any place at any time to get it.”
McCain then decided to blame President Biden — who has only been in office a little over a month and has already more than doubled the rate of vaccinations — by saying, “I want to be responsible and obviously wait my turn but this rollout has been a disaster. And I understand President Trump can take much of the blame, but now we’re in the Biden administration and I, for one, would like something to look forward to and to hope for because if getting the vaccine means that just nothing changes and we have to wait another few years until everyone gets it, there’s already a lot of people not getting it.”
According to Dr. Fauci and the Biden administration, all Americans should have an opportunity to get vaccinated by late summer, not years from now.
McCain went on to site Israel, a country with a population of roughly 9 million, compared to 328 million in America, as a better model of vaccine messaging. “So I’m over Dr. Fauci,” McCain declared. “I think we need to have more people giving more opinions and honestly quite frankly, I think the Biden administration should remove him and put someone in place that does understand science or can talk like these other countries about how we can be more like these other places that are doing this successfully.”
Whoopi Goldberg intervened and threw to commercial as McCain said, “I know what I’m saying is controversial, I really do. But I’m not a phony and I’m not going to come on air and say something different than what I’m saying privately.”
Photos: Neilson Barnard/Getty Images and Robin Marchant/Getty Images
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